Thursday, June 2, 2011

I am in a church's basement

Their fridge is filled with biscuits and cookies. I swear I am getting fatter by the second. Maybe typing can burn calories if I, it with some kind of crazy enthusiasm. TYPE TYPE TYPE.

I could dance and type?

But. Really. The things I did today! Let's list them. Because this is my blog and damn it I do what I want.

1) Margee and I met several animals. They were what one might call "cool." The slickest of the barn set. There were three skittish donkeys (they ran when we tried to say hello) and Abner. Abner is a cow that jumped out at us from beneath some sort of foliage. His home was a sort of shack that was a little bit maybe decrepit and falling down. He was desperately awaiting discovery. I think. Anyway, Margee climbed over the single-threaded wire separating us from Abner's little nose and petted him. I am allergic to cows, but I had to follow suit. Abner was fonder of Margee, but who could blame him for that? I promised Abner we would return for him one day, to rescue him from his life of squalor and future of VEAL!

2) We climbed a mountain. Again! Yes. This one was called Bread Loaf, and it was steep enough that I could not turn my pedals (in the lowest gear) without standing up and heaving against the handlebars for some semblance of leverage. Boom. It was either crush to the top (AT A STAGGERING 6.5 MPH) or fall over. So I was forced to be slay. Meow.

At the top, the sweet awesome ride leaders were waiting with hot cocoa...but I didn't have a cup. So I decided to descend immediately and ALONE. Like a panther. It was sweet. I like descents that are aggressive enough to make you fear for your life--and I almost skidded out three times! That is the right kind of downhill, people!

3) We're sleeping in a church! YES, AGAIN. These church people are so darn nice. It fills me with happy fuzzies. I just want to put money in their donation plates! but I don't have any. so like, figurative money. They made us delicious spaghetti, and we got to meet Pepe (a dog) and Susie (a girl).

Now everyone is out at a bar and I am sort of by myself down here. It is a little lonely and sad and I can't sleep because I AM IMAGINING THE FUN

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