Thursday, May 26, 2011


My flight is in twelve hours and sixteen minutes. I am not tired. I am thinking about Lady Gaga again and how my stuff is still in a pile on the floor and not neat in some sort of suitcase and I never went and bought a camera.

Maybe it will pack itself? GIRL CAN DREAM. I might start hashtagging everything because that seems like it might be the cool, hip blogger thing to do. EVEN THOUGH IT IS TOTALLY FUNCTIONLESS. #NOFUNCTIONS.

See? I am instantly more modern and internet savvy. #knowlege. RIGHT?! I can't stop #itsadisease #iwasbornthisway OH GOD

1 comment:

  1. haha, I love you tags!!!! Being new to twitter I didn't understand their purpose at all... and quite frankly I still don't.
